Philadelphia Weight Loss Examiner: Rihanna's diet and menu sample
For the past week or so, nothing but negative and sad news has been reported about the Rihanna, Chris Brown tragedy. Reading multiple accounts of the battery and seeing various photos of Brown and Rihanna, I came to the obvious conclusion that even though this young lady may need to be more careful picking her male companions, she is certainly on the ball regarding her diet and fitness .
Rihanna is a stunning five foot nine beauty and each inch is slimmed, toned and chiseled to the bone. She is absolutely gorgeous.
Her diet consist of eating a healthy low carb diet and working out.
Rhianna offers a few tips such as, drinking water between meals, taking a multi-vitamin and eliminating as much sugar and processed food from the diet as possible.
Rihanna's Diet As the gossip rags have pointed out, Rihanna has gotten into amazing shape for Good Girl Gone Bad. When asked about how she did it, Rihanna said: �I like carbs, but at the end of the day, carbs are the enemy. It wasn�t so much losing weight as being fit and toned and healthy. I just didn�t feel great. Now I�m working out and trying to eat healthy. That�s making me lose weight without even thinking about it.� She has been working out with a trainer, counting calories, and �obsessing� over her legs she says. About Her Low Carb Diet Low-carbohydrate diets that cut out foods like bread and pasta work faster than low-fat diets, two new studies show. After six months, people on a low-carb diet lost more weight than those on a low-fat diet. |
Breakfast 1. Breakfast egg sandwich with egg and meat or egg and cheese, one fresh orange. 2. Protein drink (look for ones made with soy protein to promote a healthy heart). 3. Low-carb breakfast bar (look for ones with no more than 15 grams of carbohydrate and 250 to 300 calories). |
Lunch 1. Grilled chicken sandwich, garden salad with 2 tablespoons low-fat salad dressing. 2. Frozen low-calorie lasagna entr�e, apple. 3. Deli sandwich: Ask for 4 ounces turkey, ham or roast beef on 2 slices whole-grain bread topped with oil and vinegar or mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato; 1/2 cup three-bean salad. Dinner 1. Grocery-store take out: 3 ounces roasted chicken, 1/2 cup pasta salad, 1 cup sliced tomatoes drizzled with balsamic vinegar, 1 cup skim milk. 2. Chinese take-out: Egg roll, 1 cup shrimp chow mein, 1/2 cup rice, tea. 3. Quick and easy stir-fry: 3 ounces chicken breast mixed with 1 cup stir-fry vegetables (use the frozen packets for the easiest prep) and 1/2 cup rice; 1 cup skim milk. |
Snacks - Half cup trail mix (1/4 cup peanuts mixed with 2 tablespoons dried fruit) - Eight saltine crackers with 2 ounces low-fat cheddar cheese - Low-carb snack bar (choose one between 150 and 250 calories) - Two ounces string cheese and 1/2 cup grapes |
Workout Ideas
You can't lose weight by diet alone, so...
- Boost your metabolism by weight training. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn -- even when you're just sitting around. Learn how to create an easy and effective weight training routine.
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