Wardrobe stylist Kami Gray doesn’t trust her bathroom scale but says a pair of jeans will never lie. Kami ought to know. She’s spent twenty-two years cultivating a way of eating that makes sure her favorite jeans will always fit. In The Denim Diet, she presents her fun, no-nonsense blueprint for healthy eating in sixteen easy-to-remember habits to make and habits to break.
The Denim Diet takes the best of all the diets you’ve tried and turns them into a simple, yes-or-no approach you can actually follow. With hilarious real-life stories, gourmet recipes, and an infectious positive attitude, Kami will help you lose weight, get energized, and stay healthy without yo-yo dieting, gimmicks, starving yourself, or obsessing over daily weigh-ins.
AMAZON REVIEW: (couldn't find on with less than 5 stars)
If you are looking to fit back into your skinny jeans then "The Denim Diet" has a lot to offer. Kami Gray teaches you the fundamentals of a healthy diet. She is a natural teacher and easily guides you through page after page of great practical advice.
First, she takes on high-fructose corn syrup and then teaches you how to pick the best organic fruits and vegetables. There is even a section for people who love to eat out. Kami Gray explains the best choices for Chinese, French, Indian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Italian and Mexican foods.
The main chapters include:
Slimming Alternatives to High Fructose Corn Syrup
White vs. Brown Carbohydrates
Healthy Organic Food Practices
Fast Food is Fat Food
Foo-Foo Coffee Drinks
The Most Important Meal of the Day
Meat Me in the Middle
Win and Lose with Fruits and Vegetables
Got Fat? - A discussion of good and bad fats
Lean and Green
I Like the Way You Move - Exercise
Eats Well with Others - a discussion about surviving meals with your family
Count Me In! - A discussion on calories, portions and proportion
Eating Away from Home
Stocking the Pantry
Kami's Top Ten Trimming Tips - What to wear to look thin
This book contains some good reasons you never want to drink water from the tap. You may also rethink buying "Lean Cuisine" after reading this book. I liked the ideas about eating sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. John Gray (yes, the famous author) says to eat lots of potatoes and I knew he was wrong. This book confirmed my suspicions on that advice.
If you are looking for healthy recipes this book has over thirty recipes. You may enjoy trying:
Quinoa Porridge
Mediterranean Scramble
Coffee Spice Cake (made with whole wheat flour)
Homemade Energy Bars
Cream of Pumpkin Soup
Raspberry Vinaigrette
Southwestern Salad
While she is not a doctor or a dietician, Kami Gray has discovered the secrets of staying slim through her own research and personal experience. I've read a lot of health and wellness books and this one was the most fun.
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